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Paynes has closed it's doors and is now being run by Simon The Beekeeper, including the range of poly hive and poly nucs. The poly hives will be added to simon the beekeepers website very shortly. For all your beekeeping equipment needs, whether it is clothing, bee feed, frames and wax - visit Simon The Beekeeper.

For all your equipment needs
Our aim at Simon the Beekeeper is to make beekeeping an affordable hobby for everyone. We constantly strive to provide good quality products at the best possible prices. Our small team of dedicated staff are at hand to provide advice to both the experienced beekeeper and those just starting out. Be sure to check out our videos on our website and on social media.
We are proud to say that we despatch over 95% of all our orders within 1 working day1. We also offer free postage for most UK orders over £125 and express delivery options. We believe that the bees won’t wait, so why should you!
Check out Website
Supplier of Nucs and Queen Bees
Run by Rebecca & Roger Payne to provide both locally bred or Buckfast nucs and queens. With around 600 colonies spread across the Southdowns, we sell 100s of colonies to both beginner beekeepers and experienced ones alike. Our Queen rearing operation raise both our own locally adapted stock as well as F1 buckfast queens.
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